Creator First Name and Last Name, 'Title of Image', medium, from collection or book (Publisher, date).
Phillippa Mein Smith, 'Before the Earthquake: Christ Church Cathedral, Christchurch, 2006' , from A Concise History of New Zealand (Cambridge University Press, 2011). p. 263
Smith, p. 263
Smith, Phillippa Mein, 'Before the Earthquake: Christ Church Cathedral, Christchurch, 2006' , from A Concise History of New Zealand (Cambridge University Press, 2011). p. 263
Creator First Name and Last Name, 'Title of Image', [online], <URL of image> [access date]
Angelica Kauffmann, ‘Clio, The Muse of History’ [online] <> [accessed 14 September 2017].
Kauffmann, Angelica, ‘Clio, The Muse of History’ [online] <> [accessed 14 September 2017].
Author's First and Last name, Title, date, medium, dimensions, Institution or collection that houses the work, City.
Ted Bracey, Winter Land Signals, 1970, acrylic on canvas, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Bracey, Ted, Winter Land Signals, 1970, acrylic on canvas, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.