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MHRA Referencing Guide: Journal articles

The MHRA style guide offers detailed examples and formatting guidance for citing sources in humanities research. It covers books, articles, websites, and more using footnotes and bibliographies.

Print journal article


Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, (page number referenced).

First Footnote

Nepia Mahuika, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), pp. 40-66, (p. 43).

Second and Subsequent Footnote

Mahuika, p. 60.


Mahuika, Nepia, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), pp. 40-66


  • pp. now required for the page range.

Electronic journal article with DOI


Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (if necessary) (year of publication), page range, <DOI> (page number referenced).

First Footnote

Kirstine Moffat, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), pp. 59–77 doi:10.1080/02619288.2011.651331 (p. 75).

Second and Subsequent Footnote

Moffatt, p. 62.


Moffat, Kirstine, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), pp. 59–77 doi:10.1080/02619288.2011.651331


  • pp. now required for the page range.
  • DOI number (digital object identifier) now required for journal articles (if they have them).

Electronic journal article from source outside of library databases


Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, <URL>, [accessed date] (page number referenced).

First Footnote

Mark Houlahan, 'Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice, and: Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories', Shakespeare Quarterly, 63 (2012), pp. 438–40 <> [accessed 27 July 2016] (p. 440).

Second and Subsequent Footnote

Houlahan, p. 439.


Houlahan, Mark, 'Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice, and: Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories (review)', Shakespeare Quarterly, 63 (2012), pp. 438–40 <> [accessed 27 July 2016]


  • pp. now required for the page range.
  • For an article in an online journal that is not retrievable from one of the library databases, you need to provide the direct URL for the journal.
  • If the article is on a webpage that has no page numbers, use the paragraph number of the quote you want to directly reference e.g. 'para. 3' instead of p. 3.