Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, (page number referenced).
Nepia Mahuika, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), pp. 40-66, (p. 43).
Mahuika, p. 60.
Mahuika, Nepia, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), pp. 40-66
Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (if necessary) (year of publication), page range, <DOI> (page number referenced).
Kirstine Moffat, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), pp. 59–77 doi:10.1080/02619288.2011.651331 (p. 75).
Moffatt, p. 62.
Moffat, Kirstine, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), pp. 59–77 doi:10.1080/02619288.2011.651331
Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, <URL>, [accessed date] (page number referenced).
Mark Houlahan, 'Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice, and: Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories', Shakespeare Quarterly, 63 (2012), pp. 438–40 <> [accessed 27 July 2016] (p. 440).
Houlahan, p. 439.