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MHRA Referencing Guide: Web based sources

The MHRA style guide offers detailed examples and formatting guidance for citing sources in humanities research. It covers books, articles, websites, and more using footnotes and bibliographies.



Author first name and last name, 'Webpage title' (if available), Website title (if available) <URL> [Date accessed].

First Footnote

Glenn Everett and George P. Landow, 'Science and Technology Timeline', Victorian Web (2012) <> [accessed 13 December 2023].

Second and Subsequent Footnote



Everett, Glenn and George Landow, 'Science and Technology Timeline', Victorian Web (2012) <> [accessed 13 December 2016]


  • Use no date (n.d.) if no date of publication is given. Sometimes the date can be found at the bottom of the webpage. You can use the (as specific as possible) date from either, "Last updated" or "Last modified". 
  • For subsequent footnotes, you can just use the first author's name. If there is another footnote with the same name, include the other author(s) to distinguish between the sources.
  • Use paragraph numbers if applicable if the webpage does not have page numbers.

Blog Post


Author First Name and Last Name, 'Title of blog', <web address> [Accessed Day Month Year].

First Footnote

Vincent O'Malley, 'What a Nation Chooses to Remember and Forget: The War for New Zealand's History', <> [Accessed 2 February 2023].

Second and Subsequent Footnote



O'Malley, Vincent, 'What a Nation Chooses to Remember and Forget: The War for New Zealand's History', <> [Accessed 2 February 2023]


  • Use paragraph numbers if applicable if the webpage does not have page numbers.

Social Media Post


Author of post [username if applicable]. 'Title of post', Name of Social Media Platform, Date of post, <URL of post> [access date].

First Footnote

LEGO Ideas, ‘Hungry? 🌭’, Facebook, 20 April 2023 <> [accessed 21 April 2023].

Second and Subsequent Footnote

LEGO Ideas


LEGO Ideas, ‘Hungry? 🌭’, Facebook, 20 April 2023 <> [accessed 21 April 2023].


  • This format can be used for posts to other social media platforms, e.g. LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter (X), Instagram and so forth.
  • Include up to the first 20 words of the post in the title position of the reference list entry.
  • Replicate emojis if possible. If you are not able to create the emoji, provide the emoji name in square brackets e.g. “[smirking face emoji]” for 😏. Click here for the list of standardised names for emojis. 
  • Use the URL to lead to the post rather than the feed.