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APA Reference Formatting: Source


The source information is the last element, and the one which can vary the most, depending on what the source is.

Source can be:

Book or print:  Name of Publisher/s.

Journal article:  Journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers (for the whole article), and DOI numbers.

Webpage or digital source:  Website Name and URL.

Book or print source

For a book or print source, all you need in the source section is the name of the publisher, like so:

Upstart Press.

If the author and the publisher are the same, you do not include it twice, so the reference would look like so:

Ministry of Education. (2015).The New Zealand Curriculum.

If there are multiple publishers listed, all must be included in the order shown on the item and separated by colons.

If a DOI is assigned to an eBook you need to include it at the end of the reference entry.

Journal articles

For a journal article, the source details are the journal title, volume number, issue number, page numbers, and DOI number (if there is one), and would look like this:

... Journal of Social Sciences, 64(2), 113-130.

If any of these elements are missing, then do not include them in the reference, only include what you can.

If you have retrieved the article from one of the Library's databases, you do not need to include the database's name (with some exceptions which are likely to be listed in your subject guide).

DOIs - Digital Object Identifiers

A DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique code assigned to scholarly / academic publications. It provides a persistent link to the online version of a document.

When you find a DOI number, it can be sitting on its own like this:

DOI: 10.1017/aee.2021.5

When putting it in a reference, you need to add it to so it should look like this:

If the DOI link has doi-org.ezyproxy in it, you will still need to edit it to start with  as with any other DOI.

For example: 

would be edited to:

Web-based sources

For web-based sources, the source details would be the name of the website where the page is based, plus the URL, like so:

If the website name is the same as the author, remove it from the reference, and have it only in the author field.


Both DOIs and URLs should be presented as hyperlinks to allow your reader to be taken directly to the content; they should be live links if the work is to be read online.  It is acceptable for them to be displayed as per the default settings of your word-processing program (typically this is blue and underlined), but it may also show as plain text that is not underlined.  

Right click to get PDF link

If the PDF is only available once it has been downloaded to your computer, provide a working URL (a URL that links to the relevant webpage and not your C drive). To do this right click on the download link and choose the "copy link address" option. If this doesn't provide a working URL, use the URL of the page the resource was downloaded from.