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Science Referencing: List of References/Bibliography

A quick guide to various referencing styles specific to science.

The List of References/Bibliography

The list of references or bibliography will be at the end of your assignment/research paper, and will usually have the heading References. References must be listed in alphabetical order.

Note: Ensure that each resource you have used in the text of your assignment appears on your reference list, and that they are identical in spelling and year.

The following elements must be included in a reference:

  • Author's or editor's name/s.
  • Publication date.
  • Title of the item.
  • Publication information:
    • for books this would include place of publication and publisher's name - if two or more publisher locations are given, give the location listed first in the book.
    • for journals this would include volume, issue number and page numbers.
    • for websites this would include the full Web address (URL).

Works by the same author and published in the same year are distinguished by letters appended to the year.

Example: If you are using two references by R. M. Smith, and both were published in 1998, one will bear the date 1998a and the other 1998b, and in-text citations will reflect this.

Note: Reference electronic books and online journal articles in the same way as print resources unless otherwise specified.

Whole book

Author (surname then initials, comma between multiple authors) Year. Title. Place of
        publication, Publisher.


Ryan P 1988. Fiji''s natural heritage. Auckland, Southwestern.

Brownsey PJ, Smith-Dodsworth JC 2000. New Zealand ferns and allied plants. Rev.
        ed. Auckland, David Bateman Ltd.

Chapter in an edited book

Author of article/chapter Year. Title of article/chapter. In: Name of editor(s) ed. Title of
        book. Place of publication, Publisher. Pagination of article/chapter.


Pascoe IG 1990. History of systematic mycology in Australia. In: Short PS ed. History
        of systematic botany in Australasia. Melbourne, Australian Systematic Botany
        Society. Pp. 259-264.

Journal articles

Author/s Year. Title of article. Title of journal Volume (Issue): page numbers.


Sakai A 1971. Freezing resistance of relicts from the Arcto-Tertiary flora. New
        Phytologist 70: 1199-1205.

McKenzie EHC, Buchanan PK, Johnston PR 2000. Checklist of fungi on Nothofagus
        species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38: 635-720.


Author/s Year. Title of report. Who the report was prepared for (if available). City,
        Publisher. Pages.


May TW, Avram J 1997. The conservation status and distribution of macrofungi in
        Victoria. A report prepared for the Australian Heritage Commission. Melbourne,
        Royal Botanic Gardens. 43 p.

Blackwell RG 1997. Abundance, size composition, and sex ratio of blue cod in the
        Marlborough Sounds, September 1995. NIWA Technical Report 88. 52 p.

Bell JD 1997. Results from the Akaroa Harbour recreational fishing survey 1997. Final
        Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project REC9705. 51 p. (Unpublished
        report held by Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington).

Conference papers


Kingston J, Sherwood A, Bengtsson R 2001. Morphology and taxonomy of several
        Fragilariforma taxa from Fennoscandia and North America. In: Economou-
        Amilli A ed. Proceedings of the 16th International Diatom Symposium, Athens,
        Greece. University of Athens, Greece. Pp. 73-88.

Evans HC 1977. The occurrence of pathotypes of Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel)
        Singer in the tropical forest ecosystem. Proceedings of the 6th International Cocoa         Research Conference, 1977, Caracas, Venezuela. Cocoa Producers Alliance,
        Lagos, Nigeria. Pp. 166-170.

If the conference proceedings have volume numbers, reference as you would a journal article:

Morales E, Siver P, Trainor F 2001. Identification of diatoms (Bacillariophyceae)
        during ecological assessments: Comparison between light microscopy and
        scanning electron microscopy techniques. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
        Sciences of Philadelphia 151: 95-103.


Author/s or corporate author Year of publication. Title of webpage. Webpage
        address/URL (date accessed).

If a year of publication does not appear on the web page, use n.d. in place of the year.


May TW, Milne J, Wood AE, Shingles S, Jones RH, Neish P 2006. Interactive
        Catalogue of Australian Fungi. Version 3.0. Canberra, Australian Biological
        Resources Study, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. (accessed July 2011).

Websites with no author

Mariner 2002: Undergraduate student information 2002.
         (accessed 3 April 2002).

Websites with no date

Central South Island Glacial Geomorphology (n.d.). (accessed 3 August 2004).


Author Year. Title. Unpublished MSc/PhD etc thesis, Name of university, Town,


Randall PM 1990. Pollen dispersal across the Southern Alps, South Island, New
        Zealand. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New


If the name of the originator (cartographer, compiler, editor, maker etc.) is known, the following elements are included in a reference for a map:

Originator's name Year. Title of map. Scale of map. Place of publication, Publisher.


Mason J 1832. Map of the countries lying between Spain and India. 1:8,000,000.
        London, Ordnance Survey.

Land Information New Zealand 1988. North Cape. 1:50,000. Wellington, Land
        Information New Zealand.

If the name of the originator is not known, the following elements are included in a reference for a map:

Title of map Year. Scale of map. Place of publication, Publisher.