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Science Referencing: Reference list

A quick guide to various referencing styles specific to science.

The List of References/Bibliography

The list of references or bibliography will be at the end of your assignment or research paper and will usually have the heading References.

References must be in alphabetical order if cited by author or in numerical order if cited by number.

Ensure that each resource you have used in the text of your assignment appears on your reference list.

The following elements must be included in a reference:

  • Author's or editor's name/s.
  • Title of the item.
  • Publication information:
    • For books, this will include place of publication and publisher's name - if two or more publisher locations are given, give the location listed first in the book.
    • For journal articles, this will include journal title, volume (or issue number if there is no volume) and page numbers.
    • For websites, give the full Web address (URL).
  • Publication year.

Works by the same author and published in the same year are distinguished by letters appended to the year. Example: If you are using two references by R. M. Smith, and both were published in 1998, one will bear the date 1998a and the other 1998b, and in-text citations will reflect this.

Note: Reference electronic books and online journal articles in the same way as print resources unless otherwise specified.