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APA Referencing Examples: Legal Materials

This section is for referencing legal materials using the APA Referencing Style

Students studying Law use the Tohutoro | Referencing link on the Law Subject Guide.

Acts (Statutes)


Title of the Act in Title Case Year Enacted. URL

Title of the Act in Title Case Year Enacted. (Country abbreviation if not NZ). URL


... (Resource Management Act 1991).


The Resource Management Act 1991 ...

Section 16 of the Resource Management Act 1991 covers ...


  • The date is part of the title of the Act.
  • If referring to the same titled Act from two or more countries, include the country abbreviation for each one.
  • If not sure of the year check Section 1(1) Short Title and commencement of the Act on the New Zealand Legislation website
  • Sections of an Act can be referred to within the text, or abbreviated within the brackets of the in-text citation.
  • APA Reference Formatting guide has a section on citing specific parts of a source.



Title of the Bill in Title Case Year of Introduction (Bill Number-Bar Number). URL


... (Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (23-1)). 


The Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (23-1) ...

Clause 9 of The Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (23-1) covers ...


  • The date is part of the title of the Bill, it is found under the Versions Tab on the New Zealand Legislation website.
  • The Bill number and bar number are included in the in-text citation.
  • Clauses of a Bill can be referred to within the text, or abbreviated within the brackets of the in-text citation.
  • APA Reference Formatting guide has a section on citing specific parts of a source.

Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives (Online version)


Author, A. (Year). Document title in sentence case. In Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, Session number, Letter-Shoulder Number. AtoJsOnline. URL

Reference List

Puckey, W. (1885). The Maungatautari case. In Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, Session 1, G-3. AtoJsOnline.


... (Puckey, 1885).


Puckey (1885) ...


  • This example is for the digitised volumes of the AJHR from 1858 to 1950, accessed via the Papers Past database on the National Library website.

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)


Member of Parliament, A. (Year, Month Day). Title in sentence case. In New Zealand Parliamentary Debates, Volume number, Page range of Member's debate. Government Printer or URL of Related Documents page if found online

Reference List

Mahuta, N. (2004, May 6). Foreshore and Seabed Bill: First reading. In New Zealand Parliamentary Debates,  Vol. 617,12732-12734.


... (Mahuta, 2004).


Mahuta (2004) ...


  • Volume number is on the webpage before opening PDF.
  • PDF is under the Related Documents tab.
  • The page range is of the Member of Parliaments's debate.

Secondary Legislation / Statutory Regulations


Name of the Regulation/Order/Rule etc in Title Case Year. URL

Reference List

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.



... (Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008).


Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 ...



  • Most regulations and rules, and many notices, orders, determinations, and warrants, are Legislative Instruments, also known as Statutory Regulations. These are available on the New Zealand Legislation website.
  • The date is part of the title.
  • Parts of Regulations, Orders, Rules can be referred to within the text, or abbreviated within the brackets of the in-text citation, by using regulation, clause, or rule.
  • APA Reference Formatting guide has a section on citing specific parts of a source.

The Laws of New Zealand


Author, A. (Year). Title in sentence case. In The Laws of New Zealand. LexisNexis NZ. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from

Reference List

Williams, J. (2023). Treaty of Waitangi. In The Laws of New Zealand. LexisNexis NZ. Retrieved May 05, 2024, from



... (Williams, 2023).

... (Williams, 2023, para. 12).


Williams (2023) ...

Williams (2023, paras. 7-12) ...


  • The Laws of New Zealand is an online encyclopedia.
  • The author/s and year of the entry you are citing will be on the page "About this Title", scroll down to author information.
  • As The Laws of New Zealand is updated quarterly and the versions are unarchived, provide a retrieval date before the URL.
  • Use para. or paras. for paragraph number/s in the in-text citation, if required for direct quotations.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi - The Treaty of Waitangi

If you are referencing te reo Māori treaty, then reference it as Te Tiriti o Waitangi, or if you are referencing the English version then reference it as Treaty of Waitangi. Use the URL to the source you used.

Reference list In-text

Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 1840.


Treaty of Waitangi. 1840.

... (Te Tiriti o Waitangi, 1840). 

Te Tiriti o Waitangi (1840) ...


(Treaty of Waitangi, 1840). 

Treaty of Waitangi (1840) ... 

Waitangi Tribunal Reports


Waitangi Tribunal. (Year). Title of the report in italics sentence case (Wai number). Publisher. URL

Reference List

Waitangi Tribunal. (2010). The East Coast settlement report (Wai 2190). Legislation Direct.

Waitangi Tribunal. (1991). The Ngai Tahu report, 1991: Vol. 1. Summary of grievances, findings and recommendations Wai 27). GP Publications. 


... (Waitangi Tribunal, 2010).


Waitangi Tribunal (2010) ...


  • If citing an individual volume of a multivolume report, put the volume number after the Wai number like so (Wai 27; Vol. 2) or as a subtitle if it has an individual volume name. See the 2nd example above.
  • Through the years there have been different publishers for the Tribunal Reports, so use the publisher's name of the report you are citing.

Treaties and International Conventions


Full Name of Treaty or Convention, Month Day, Year of Signing or Approval, URL

Reference List

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, November 20, 1989,


... (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989).


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) ...


  • The date is the signing or approval date, whichever is earliest, followed by a comma and the URL.