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APA Referencing Examples: Online Media



Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage in italic sentence case. Publisher/Name of Website in Title Case. URL

Reference List

Parker, C. K. (n.d.). How to cook quinoa. EatingWell.

Stats NZ. (2019, November 19). Log prices chopped.


... (Parker, n.d.).


Parker (n.d.) ...


... (Stats NZ, 2019).


Stats NZ (2019) ...


  • Use no date (n.d.) if no date of publication is given. Sometimes the date can be found at the bottom of the webpage. You can use the (as specific as possible) date from either, "Last updated" or "Last modified". 
  • If there is only a copyright date or "Page last reviewed", use n.d. in place of the date.
  • Include the name of the website before the URL. When the author and the website name are the same, omit the site name from the source element.
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.
  • It is not uncommon to reference multiple pages from the same site, if they have different URLs you'll need to create a different reference list entry for each, in which case you may find you'll have the same author and date for multiple entries.  See our formatting guide under Date to see how to do this

Blog Post


Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of blog post in sentence case. Title of Blog in Italic Title Case. URL

Reference List

Farrier, D. (2024, January 13). When good dogs do bad things. Webworm With David Farrier.


... (Farrier, 2024).


Farrier (2024) ...


  • Italicise the name of the blog, the same as you would a newspaper title.
  • Include the name of the website before the URL. When the author and the website name are the same, omit the site name from the source element.
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.

Social Media Post


 Author of post [username if applicable]. (Year, Month Day). Title of post in italic sentence case [Description of form of post e.g. photograph]. Social Media Source. URL

Reference List

Witherspoon, R. [@reesewitherspoon]. (2021, August 10). Happy #nationalbookloversday ! @reesesbookclub 💕 [Video]. Tiktok.


... (Witherspoon, 2021).


Witherspoon (2021) ...


  • This format can be used for posts to other social media platforms, e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram and so forth.
  • Include up to the first 20 words of the post in the title position of the reference list entry.
  • Replicate emojis if possible. If you are not able to create the emoji, provide the emoji name in square brackets e.g. “[smirking face emoji]” for 😏. Click here for the list of standardised names for emojis. 
  • Use the URL to lead to the post rather than the feed.
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.

Online Forum Post


Author Username. (Year, Month Day). Title of post in italic sentence case [Online forum post]. Forum Source. URL

Reference List

WindWatcherX. (2019, October 10). Should SpaceX hold off Mars missions for "planetary protection"? [Online forum post]. Reddit.


... (WindWatcherX, 2019).


WindWatcherX (2019) ...


  • Provide the first 20 words of the forum post as the title.
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.

Webpage on a News Website


Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of newspaper article in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Italic Title Case. URL

Reference List

King, A. M. (2024, April 28). An ode to the muesli bar, a national treasure. The Spinoff.


... (King, 2024).


King (2024) ...


  • Use this format for articles published on online news sources (e.g. Stuff, The Spinoff, CNN, BBC News) - one that does not have an associated daily or weekly newspaper.
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.

Wikipedia Entry


Title of Wikipedia entry in sentence case. (Year, Month Day). In Wikipedia. URL

Reference List

Moon landing. (2024, April 25). In Wikipedia.


... ("Moon Landing", 2024).


"Moon Landing" (2024) ...


  • Used the archived version of the page so that readers can retrieve the version you used. Access this by selecting "View History" and then the date of the version you used. Click through and use this URL as well for your reference entry.
  • Capitalise the entry title in your in-text citations in title case, even though sentence case is used in the reference list entry. 
  • To cite a quote from a source that does not use page numbers, please see the Quotations section in the APA Formatting Guide for further information.