The databases have been arranged by type as in how you might use them and the types of information you can get from them. Scroll down to find the databases that are most useful for your studies.
You can use these databases to get quick evidence-based information on conditions and drugs. They can also be useful to find further resources on your topic by following the references used.
Lippincott Advisor provides evidence-based information for healthcare professionals, nurses, and clinicians to support clinical decision-making.
Lippincott Procedures provides detailed descriptions of over 1,700 procedures and skills in nursing, complete instructions to perform procedures, video clips and images to clarify complex procedures, and quick lists provide a quick, less-detailed version of procedures.
DynaMed delivers the most current and accurate, evidence-based content for practicing clinicians. Emergent scientific literature and clinical practice guidelines are systematically and objectively surveyed by a multidisciplinary team. Relevant information is captured, appraised, and synthesised rapidly into DynaMeds clinical content, with 6 rounds of updates a day on the site.
NRC Plus is an evidence-based information resource designed by nurses for nurses to support practice, education and research needs. The database focuses on ensuring that staff nurses, nurse educators, recent nursing graduates, and nursing students have quick and easy access to the most current information to provide the best care possible to patients.
JBI spans a range of medical, nursing, and healthcare specialties and includes evidence-based recommended practices, evidence summaries, best practice guidelines, systematic reviews, and systematic review protocols.
Use these databases and journal collections to find research journal articles. These are great for writing essays, literature reviews and any other research projects you do.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
Ovid MEDLINE® is the leading bibliographic source for biomedical scholarly literature and research, providing access to a vast array of medical literature, including articles on clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, and public health. Indexes approximately 5,600 journals.
The PubMed platform contains MEDLINE, PubMed Central, and additional PubMed records, and indexes journal articles and more back to 1947. It covers medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, preclinical sciences, and related areas. It is developed and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), both at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US. As of December 2020, PubMed contains over 30 million records. Links to full text content of items indexed in PubMed are usually available via Library Search, publisher websites or library interlibrary loan.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) Ultimate is the definitive resource for nursing and allied health research. Covers over 50 nursing specialties, as well as allied health subjects such as speech and language pathology, nutrition, physical therapy and more.
Full-text access to over 3500 journals primarily in the Sciences, but also including Business, Education, Linguistics, Management, Sociology, etc.
A collection of around 400 journal titles from the healthcare, nursing, midwifery, pharmacology, medicine, and science disciplines. Includes APA PsycArticles titles.
More than 90 peer-reviewed journals in the areas of biomedical research, biotechnology and regenerative medicine, medicine and surgery, public health research and policy, technology and engineering, environmental research and policy, and law.
Contains citations in the field of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
A collection of regularly updated evidence-based healthcare databases bringing together research looking at the effectiveness of different health care treatments and interventions.
JBI spans a range of medical, nursing, and healthcare specialties and includes evidence-based recommended practices, evidence summaries, best practice guidelines, systematic reviews, and systematic review protocols.
Overton is a searchable index of global policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers. Explore policy documents citing research from the University of Waikato, or search for specific authors or articles that have been cited in policy documents.
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
These databases can be good when studying for tests or for getting an introduction to a topic. They are a bit more easy to digest as they are in video form or interactive.
Sage Research Methods supports every step of a research project, covering qualitative and quantitative methods, including interactive tools such as Methods Map and Project Planner. With hundreds of research methods ebooks, reference, video, case studies, and journal content.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination is a teaching resource consisting of anatomy and system specific videos. Each video shows a step by step examination. The database represents a broad spectrum of ages and cultural backgrounds for both patients and clinicians. Includes information on health history, documentation, communication, and, patient interactions.
Dive into interactive research with 3D models that help make human anatomy concepts easier to understand.
JoVE Core series brings biology to life through over 300 concise and easy-to-understand animated video lessons that explain key concepts in biology, plus more than 150 scientist-in-action videos that show actual research experiments conducted in todays laboratories.
JoVE Science Education is a revolutionary video database, dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations. The 'Advanced Biology' module offers videos in Neuroscience, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Immunology and Microbiology.
An interactive education platform that supports students and faculty with trusted nursing content and comprehensive learning tools. Contains over 100 acclaimed Nursing textbooks, covering Nursing specialties from Anatomy and Physiology to Public Health; 20 core Student Midwifery textbooks, plus 24,000+ high resolution images, unlocked and discoverable for visual learning.
The Treaty of Waitangi Collection is primarily designed to provide a new and authoritative home for Treaty scholarship online, with more books to be added over time. The collection was built with support from the BWB Publishing Trust and the New Zealand Law Foundation.
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The Treaty of Waitangi Collection is primarily designed to provide a new and authoritative home for Treaty scholarship online, with more books to be added over time. The collection was built with support from the BWB Publishing Trust and the New Zealand Law Foundation.