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Midwifery: Rauemi | Resources

This guide provides links to resources and help relevant to your midwifery studies.

Library Search

General Midwifery Resources

The databases have been arranged by type as in how you might use them and the types of information you can get from them.  Scroll down to find the databases that are most useful for your studies. 

  • Point of care databases
  • Research databases
  • Study databases (including anatomy & physiology resources)

Point of Care Databases

You can use these databases to get quick evidence-based information on conditions and drugs.  They can also be useful to find further resources on your topic by following the references used.

Research Databases and Journal Collections

Use these databases and journal collections to find research journal articles. These are great for writing essays, literature reviews and any other research projects you do.

Study Databases

These databases can be good when studying for tests or for getting an introduction to a topic.  They are a bit more easy to digest as they are in video form or interactive. 

Scroll down to find links to:

  • Midwifery and health related organisations
  • Codes, legislation & strategies
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Drug information
  • Critical appraisal tools & systematic review support
  • Some other handy sites to check out


Codes, Legislation & Strategies

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Drug information

Critical appraisal tools and systematic review support

A few more sites to check out