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Midwifery: He Tirohanga Māori | A Māori Perspective

This guide provides links to resources and help relevant to your midwifery studies.

Kupu Māori | Māori Words

Amniotic sac - kahu 

Baby - pēpē, pēpi 

Birth - whānautanga, whakawhānau 

Breech birth - whānau kōaro 

Breastfeed - whāngote, whāngai ū 

Breastmilk - waiū 

Caesarean section - whānau poka 

Hineteiwaiwa - atua wahine Māori, guardian of childbirth 

Iriiri - to baptise - perform a ceremony over a baby 

Midwife - tapuhi, kiawhakawhānau, kahu pōkai 

Miscarriage - tahe 

Mother - māmā, kōkā

Oriori - song composed on the birth of a chiefly child about his/her ancestry and tribal history 

Placenta - whenua 

Pregnant - hapū

Pregnancy - hapūtanga

Stillborn - materoto 

Umbilical cord - tāngaengae, iho 

Whare kōhanga - birthing house 

Womb - whare tangata, kōpū

Rauemi | Resources


Journal articles and book chapters

Websites & Videos