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Chicago Referencing Guide: Author Date Style

Welcome, Nau Mai, Haere Mai

This guide is for students using the Chicago 17th edition Author-Date style of referencing, which is commonly used in the Geography and Environmental Planning subject areas.

For further help, or if you are using Notes-Bibliography version of Chicago, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style textbook. Make sure you refer to the correct style when using this book.

There is also a two-page Chicago Referencing Quick guide available to view and download, which contains formatting information as well as 15 examples of how to reference the most common sources you may come across.

This guide

Use the left-hand menu to navigate through each part of the guide. There is a Formatting guidelines page, which gives a brief intro into what sort of information is required for an author-date reference, following that is a list of the most commonly referenced sources, and examples of how they would be referenced.


Quick guide