A full-text searchable online collection of high quality New Zealand non-fiction titles. Authors include James Belich, Judith Binney, Aroha Harris, Kuni Kaa Jenkins, Alison Jones, Michael King, Claudia Orange, Tipene O'Regan, Anne Salmond, Angela Wanhalla, Albert Wendt.
The ten volumes of Te Pouhere Kōrero: Māori History, Māori People explore the rich narratives of Māori and indigenous history. Covering a wide range of topics, the collection provides a valuable resource for research on the history and culture of Aotearoa New Zealand. This peer-reviewed journal seeks to disseminate and promote Māori mātauranga and perspectives on history to wider audiences.
Explore over 34 million open access digital items from more than 200 partners throughout New Zealand, such as libraries, museums, galleries, government departments, the media, and community. Browse by item type, copyright usage conditions, content partner, and other filters.
An online directory of academic, peer-reviewed, open access books. Search by keyword or browse by subject.