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Publishing your Research: Te Pūtea Tautoko Whakaputa Rangahau | Open Access Equity Fund

A guide to publishing, promoting and sharing your research

Open Access Equity Fund

The University Library has established a new Open Access Equity Fund aimed at supporting those who do not have access to funds to make their research publicly available. The fund allows the Library to contribute to article processing charges (APCs), book processing charges (BPCs) and chapter processing charges (CPCs).


  1. Applicant completes online form
  2. Library checks eligibility against the criteria
  3. Applications will be assessed by a sub-group of the Research Committee with members from each Division and Faculty as well as Library staff
  4. Library pays APC (article processing charge), BPC (book processing charge) or CPC (chapter processing charge), or part thereof as agreed
  5. Library reports to the Research Committee on outcomes


Meeting dates

The group that assesses applications will meet on the following dates during 2025:

Meeting Date
Monday 10th March
Monday 9th June
Monday 8th September
Monday 8th December

Eligibility and Assessment Criteria

University of Waikato academic staff, post-doctoral fellows and postgraduate students without sufficient funds which can be used for APCs, BPCs or CPCs are eligible to apply and applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. As of 2024, eligible applicants are able to apply at the time they submit to the journal, rather than wait for acceptance.

The following factors will be taken into consideration:

  • Prioritisation of Early Career Researchers (i.e. postgraduate students, research fellows and researchers who are within 8 years (at the date of application) of academic employment (this includes postdoctoral research employment).)
  • Māori researchers or those undertaking Kaupapa Māori Research
  • Pacific researchers or those undertaking Pacific research
  • Underrepresented disciplines (areas that have received less funding from this fund)
  • Evidence of effort to seek funds from elsewhere (co-funding strongly encouraged)
  • Quality of publication
  • Potential to enhance your research portfolio / rankings
  • Cost of article/book/chapter processing charge
  • Self-archiving policy of the journal (Article Processing Charge in journals that carry zero embargo to make available through Research Commons will only be considered in exceptional circumstances).

Need Help?

For assistance, reach out to the Open Research Team at