Non-traditional research outputs (NTROs) are outputs that may not fit the conventional publishing model. They differ from journal articles, books, book chapters and conference papers but should be considered as research objects that play an important role in advancing knowledge. Examples of NTROs include:
The key to making NTROs visible is by using a persistent identifier (PID), which provides your research with a unique and permanent ID. There are a number of different PIDs available to researchers but one of the more common ones is Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
DOIs can be assigned to any object and do not need to be digital. Assigning a DOI, often referred to as minting, is done by a DOI registration agency. Please contact the for more information.
All research deposited in the University's institutional repository, Research Commons, is assigned a unique handle (PID). By uploading your NTRO to Research Commons you are ensuring your NTRO is preserved and traceable through a unique identifier.
When weighing up where to present or publish your NTRO, it is important factor in these considerations:
Te Iho o te Manawataki | The Library has developed a suite of resources to assist creative practitioners in collating evidence of engagement and research impact. The suite includes four A3 printable resources, each focusing on a different output type. To access these resources visit the NTRO page in our Measuring Research Impact guide.
For assistance, reach out to the Open Research Team at