The following is a selection of links to more information about theses and postgraduate study. Your faculty will also have graduate handbooks with further information specific to your academic discipline.
This guide has been prepared by the University of Waikato Library in association with the School of Graduate Research and provides details about each stage of writing and submitting your thesis.
The following is a selection of links to more information about theses and postgraduate study. Your faculty will also have graduate handbooks with further information specific to your academic discipline.
A thesis is a written document resulting from supervised research at the university, typically required for first master's degrees and higher degrees such as Master of Philosophy and Doctoral Degrees. It presents new findings within the context of previous research, referencing relevant studies.
Master's and MPhil theses have one internal and one external examiner, while higher degrees require two examiners, one local and one international. Upon successful examination, a digital copy is archived in the university's research repository, Research Commons.
Consult with your supervisor for discipline-specific conventions. You can also access previous students’ theses in Research Commons – the home of theses and research at the University of Waikato.
All theses (Higher Degree & Masters) in te reo Māori
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