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MHRA Referencing Style Guide: Citation Examples

MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) is a citation style commonly used in humanities disciplines. It has specific guidelines for citing sources, including footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.

Archives, Manuscripts & Ephemera

Audiovisual - Film, Music, Recordings, Videogames, Digital Media, Software

Film recording

Required Information

Title of Film, dir. by First and Last Name of Director/s, Performers (if appropriate), (Distributor, Date) [on format].

First footnote

Amistad, dir. by Steven Spielberg (Dreamworks Pictures, 2001) [on DVD].

Subsequent footnote



Amistad, dir. by Steven Spielberg (Dreamworks Pictures, 2001) [on DVD]

Film recording from a database

Required Information

Title of Film, dir. by First and Last Name of Director/s, Performers (if appropriate), (Distributor, Date) in name of database <URL> [accessed date].

First footnote

1905: Year of Light: Einstein's Important Discovery, dir. by Philippe Tournancheau (Filmakers Library, 2006) in Kanopy <> [accessed 10 May 2016].

Subsequent footnote

1905: Year of Light: Einstein's Important Discovery.


1905: Year of Light: Einstein's Important Discovery, dir. by Philippe Tournancheau (Filmakers Library, 2006) in Kanopy <> [accessed 10 May 2016]

TV or Radio Episode broadcast

Required Information

'Title of Episode', Title of Series in Italics, Channel or Station Name, Date of Broadcast, Time of Broadcast (if relevant).

First footnote

'Dead Man's Folly', Agatha Christie's Poirot, BBC4, 30 October 2014, 00:30am.

Subsequent footnote

Dead Man's Folly.


'Dead Man's Folly', Agatha Christie's Poirot, BBC4, 30 October 2014, 00:30am.

TV or Radio Episode recorded

Required Information

'Title of Episode', Title of Series in Italics , (Production Company, Year) [Format].

First footnote

'Dead Man's Folly', Agatha Christie's Poirot (BBC Home Entertainment, 2014) [DVD].

Subsequent footnote

Dead Man's Folly.


'Dead Man's Folly', Agatha Christie's Poirot (BBC Home Entertainment, 2014) [DVD].

Note: If recording is from a streaming service or database, use the same format as the film recording from a database example.

Music Score

Required Information

Composer First Name and Last Name, Title, type of score (if used), Edition (City, Publisher, date).

First footnote

Richard Wagner, Tristan und Isolde, study score, Edition Eulenburg no. 905 (London: Eulenburg, n.d.), Prelude.

Note: Include movement as appropriate.

Subsequent footnote

Wagner, Transfiguration.


Wagner, Richard, Tristan und Isolde, study score, Edition Eulenburg no. 905 (London: Eulenburg, n.d.)

Music Recording - on CD, DVD, database, online

Required Information

Author First and Last name, Title of Musical Composition, Performer / artist / group (if appropriate), conductor (Place of publication (if available): Publisher/ Production/Recording Company, Date) [on format].

Note: in name of database <URL> [accessed date] if applicable Note: <URL> [accessed date] if applicable

First footnote

Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 5, Mitsuko Uchida, Symphonieorchester des Beyerischen Rundfunks, cond. by Kurt Sanderling (Phillips, 462 586-2, 1998) [on CD].

Subsequent footnote


Note: Include movement if applicable


Beethoven, Ludwig van, Piano Concerto no. 5, Mitsuko Uchida, Symphonieorchester des Beyerischen Rundfunks, cond. by Kurt Sanderling (Phillips, 462 586-2, 1998) [on CD]


Required Information

Name of Game, (City: Publisher, Date) [format].


  • Games may change dramatically dependent on the platform.
  • If the game is a specific edition, add this as a subtitle e.g. BioShock 2: Game of the Year Edition, (California: 2K Games, 2010) [PC]
First footnote

BioShock 2, (California: 2K Games, 2010) [PC].

Note: [PC] refers to the format or platform, which can differ. See Other Platform Options.

Subsequent footnote

BioShock 2, Level 1.


BioShock 2, (California: 2K Games, 2010) [PC]

Other Platform Options

Playstation - 1, 2, 3, 4: [PS], [PS2], [PS3], [PS4], Xbox - Xbox, 360, One: [Xbox], [Xbox 360], [Xbox One].


Required Information

Author, Title, type of source, title of website (e.g. YouTube), date, <URL>, [date accessed].

First footnote

BoltonUniLibrary, Critiquing a journal article, online video recording, YouTube, 5 May 2017, <> [accessed 26 August 2019].

Subsequent footnote



BoltonUniLibrary, Critiquing a journal article, online video recording, YouTube, 5 May 2017, <> [accessed 26 August 2019]



Required Information

Author First Name and Last Name, 'Title of blog', <web address> [Accessed Day Month Year].

First footnote

Vincent O'Malley, 'What a Nation Chooses to Remember and Forget: The War for New Zealand's History', <> [Accessed 2 February 2017].

Subsequent footnote



O'Malley, Vincent, 'What a Nation Chooses to Remember and Forget: The War for New Zealand's History', <> [Accessed 2 February 2017]


Book - one author

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, Title: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number/s.

First footnote

Tracey Slaughter, Deleted Scenes for Lovers (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016), p. 66.

Subsequent footnote

Slaughter, p. 12.


Slaughter, Tracey, Deleted Scenes for Lovers (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016)

Book - two to three authors

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, (repeat up to three authors), Title: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number/s.

First footnote

Jane Stafford and Mark Williams, Maoriland: New Zealand Literature 1872-1914 (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006), p. 41.

Subsequent footnote

Stafford and Williams, p. 38.


Stafford, Jane and Mark Williams, Maoriland: New Zealand Literature 1872-1914 (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2006)

Book - four or more authors

Required Information

First listed author's first name and last name, and others, Title: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number(s).

First footnote

George Huppert and others, After the Black Death: A History of Early Modern Europe, 2nd edn (London: Routledge, 1993), p. 10.

Subsequent footnote

Huppert and others, p. 38.


Huppert, George and others, After the Black Death: A History of Early Modern Europe, 2nd edn (London: Routledge, 1993)

Book chapter - edited book

If the book has no editor stated, see example for book.

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of chapter', in Title: Subtitle, ed. by Editors first name and last name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page range of chapter, (page number cited).

First footnote

Raymond Richards, 'Good Government: The United States Shapes a New Zealand Politician', in Examining State and Evil: Authoritarian Slips, Past and Present, ed. by C. S. Cercel & C. Ozpinar (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013), pp. 53-61 (p. 57).

Subsequent footnote

Richards, p. 60.


Richards, Raymond, 'Good Government: The United States Shapes a New Zealand Politician', in Examining State and Evil: Authoritarian Slips, Past and Present, ed. by C. S. Cercel & C. Ozpinar (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013), pp. 53-61

Multi-volume edited book (see also Chapter in edited book)

Required Information

Title: Subtitle, ed. by Editor's first name and last name, edition, revised by, number of volumes (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), volume used, page range, page number/s referred to.

First footnote

The Works of Thomas Nashe, ed. by Ronald B. McKerrow, 2nd edn, rev. by F. P. Wilson, 5 vols (Oxford: Blackwell, 1958), III, pp. 94–98 (pp. 95–96).

Subsequent footnote

Nashe, p. 96.

Note: If you refer to the editor's words or ideas, use editor name in place of author.


McKerrow, Ronald B., ed., The Works of Thomas Nashe, 2nd edn, rev. by F. P. Wilson, 5 vols (Oxford: Blackwell, 1958)

Edited Book—multi-volume dictionary or encyclopaedia

Required Information

'Title of entry', Title: Subtitle, ed. by Editor's first name and last name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number/s.

First footnote

'Feminism', History in Dispute Volume 2: American Social and Political Movements, 1945 - 2000: Pursuit of Liberty, ed. by Robert J. Allison, (Detroit : St. James Press, 2000), pp. 77 - 80.

Note: Although entries may have individual authors, as a general rule, refer to entries by title. Note: Use 'and others' for more than 3 editors - see entry for Book - four or more authors

Subsequent footnote

'Feminism', p. 79.


Allison, Robert J., ed. History in Dispute Volume 2 : American Social and Political Movements, 1945 - 2000: Pursuit of Liberty (Detroit: St. James Press, 2000)

Ebook from a database

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, Title of Book: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number, ebook provider <URL> [accessed date].

First footnote

Linda Hutcheon and Siobhan O'Flynn, A Theory of Adaptation (London: Taylor & Francis, 2012), p. 168, Taylor & Francis eBooks <> [accessed 22 January 2017].

Subsequent footnote

Hutcheon and O'Flynn, p. 98.


Hutcheon, Linda and Siobhan O'Flynn, A Theory of Adaptation (London: Taylor & Francis, 2012), Taylor & Francis eBooks <> [accessed 22 January 2017]

Ebook from a reader e.g. Kindle, Kobo

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, Title: Subtitle, name of Ebook reader (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number/s.

First footnote

C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Kindle Edition (Pymble, NSW: Harper Collins, 2013), p. 49.

Note: Use the form of the author name as it is on the title page. Note: If the reader uses a location number rather than page number, use location in place of p. Note: If the city is little known, use state or country as well.

Subsequent footnote

Lewis, p. 98.


Lewis, C. S., The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Kindle Edition (Pymble, NSW: Harper Collins, 2013)

Short Story

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Story Title', in Book Title, ed. by Editors first name and last name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page range of story, (page number cited).

First footnote

Jean Lorrain, 'The Spectral Hand', Late Victorian Gothic Tales, ed. by Roger Luckhurst (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 177-182, (p. 179).

Subsequent footnote

Lorrain, p. 180.


Lorrain, Jean, 'The Spectral Hand', Late Victorian Gothic Tales, ed. by Roger Luckhurst (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 177-182.

Book (Later publication of earlier work)

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, Book Title: Subtitle, (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year; repr. Place of Publication: Pulisher, Year), page number cited.

First footnote

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, (London: Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, 1818; New York: Open Road Media Integrated Media, 2014), p. 84.

Note: The rule of "cite what you sight" should be followed, meaning that you cite and reference what you are looking at. If you don't have the original publication details, put the details you see in the book.

Subsequent footnote

Shelley, p. 97.


Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein, (London: Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, 1818; New York: Open Road Media Integrated Media, 2014).

Classical Works

The Bible

Required Information

Titles of books from the Bible are not italicised, Book numbers are given in Roman numerals, chapter and verse numbers in Arabic numerals separated by a period.

First footnote

II Corinthians 5. 13-15.

Subsequent footnote

Isaiah 22. 17.


If a specific edition of the Bible is used, include the details in the bibliography as you would for a book with an anonymous author.

The Holy Bible, New Revised Standard Version: Containing the Old and New Testaments (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994)

A classic work in an edited collection

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of work' in Title of edited collection, ed. by Editor's first name and last name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published), page number/s.

Note: Use last name if that is the only name by which author is known.

First footnote

Aristotle, extracts from ‘Poetics’, in Tragedy: Developments in Criticism, ed. by R. P. Draper (London: Macmillan, 1980), p. 41.

Subsequent footnote

Aristotle, p. 43.


Aristotle, extracts from ‘Poetics’, in Tragedy: Developments in Criticism, ed. by R. P. Draper (London: Macmillan, 1980), pp. 41-50

Conference Papers

Conference Paper

Required Information

Author's First and Last Name, 'Title of conference paper', in Title of conference (Place of Publication: Publisher, Date), pp. page range of paper (page number/s of citation).

Note: <URL> [Accessed date] if applicable

First footnote

Mark Houlahan, 'Shakespeare and New Zealand: 1912-1916-1964' (Canberra, Australia: unpublished conference paper, Shakespeare and the Public: A Symposium, Australian National University, 18 Feb 2016), pp. 1-33.

Subsequent footnote

Houlahan, p. 32.


Houlahan, Mark, 'Shakespeare and New Zealand: 1912-1916-1964', (Canberra, Australia: unpublished conference paper, Shakespeare and the Public: A Symposium, Australian National University, 18 Feb 2016)

Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias

Dictionary Entry - Online and Print

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, Title of Book: Subtitle, edition (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published) in name of database <URL>, [accessed date].

Note: For a print dictionary omit name of database <URL> and [accessed date]

Note: If no author/editor stated, use Title in place of author field (see second example)

First footnote

Chris Baldick, The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, 4th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), in Oxford Reference <> [accessed 10 December 2016] s.v. abjection.

Note: s.v. = sub verbo (under the word)

Subsequent footnote

Baldick, s.v. metaphor.


Baldick, Chris, The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, 4th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), in Oxford Reference <> [accessed 10 December 2016]

Second example:
First footnote

Oxford English Dictionary Online, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), <> [accessed 14 August 2017] s.v. sanction, n.

Note: Even though some OED online entries will not have been updated since an earlier edition, it is acceptable to use the copyright date stated at the bottom of the page.

Subsequent footnote

OED, s.v. metal, n.

Reference list

Oxford English Dictionary Online, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), <> [accessed 14 August 2017]

Online Encyclopaedia

Required Information

Author first and last name (if given), 'Title of entry', in Title: Subtitle, ed. by Editor's first name and last name (if given) (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published) (if given), <URL> [accessed date].

First footnote

Robert Consedine, 'Anti-racism and Treaty of Waitangi Activism - Organising Against Racism, 1970s to early 2000s', in Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, <> [accessed 10 August 2016].

Subsequent footnote



Consedine, Robert, 'Anti-racism and Treaty of Waitangi Activism - Organising Against Racism, 1970s to early 2000s', in Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, <> [accessed 10 August 2016]


Image or Figure

Required Information

Creator First Name and Last Name, Title of Image, medium, from collection or book (City: Publisher, date).

Note: online <URL>, [accessed day month year] Further examples in MHRA Guide, p. 76, section 11.2.18

Note: In addition to the usual footnote and bibliography entry, a caption goes below an image or figure e.g. Figure 1 Royal Hotel Raglan1

First footnote

Royal Hotel Raglan, ed. by University of Waikato Library Historical Photographs Collection, 1900 [ca]), <>, [accessed 2 February 2017].

Note: If author is unknown use title in author position

Subsequent footnote

Royal Hotel Raglan.


Royal Hotel Raglan, ed. by University of Waikato Library Historical Photographs Collection, 1900 [ca]), <>, [accessed 2 February 2017]

Art Work

Required Information

Author's First and Last name, Title, date, medium, dimensions, Institution or collection that houses the work, City. <URL> [date accessed].

Note: add <URL> [date accessed] if applicable

First footnote

Ted Bracey, Winter Land Signals, 1970, acrylic on canvas, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Subsequent footnote



Bracey, Ted, Winter Land Signals, 1970, acrylic on canvas, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Journals (Academic/Scholarly)

Specific Rules for Journal Articles:

  • Year of publication should be contained in parentheses.
  • Page range of the article should not be preceded by 'pp'.
  • Page number of actual citation should be in parentheses and preceded with 'p' or 'pp'.
  • References for articles in an online journal must include the URL or the DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Print Journal

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, (page number referenced).

First footnote

Nepia Mahuika, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), 40-66, (p. 43).

Subsequent footnote

Mahuika, p. 60.


Mahuika, Nepia, 'Re-storying Maori Legal Histories: Indigenous Articulations in Nineteenth-Century Aotearoa New Zealand', Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2.1 (2015), 40-66

Electronic Journal Article - full text PDF

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range, <URL>, [accessed date] (page number referenced).

First footnote

Mark Houlahan, 'Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice, and: Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories (review)', Shakespeare Quarterly, 63 (2012), 438–40 <> [accessed 27 July 2016] (p. 440).

Subsequent footnote

Houlahan, p. 439.


Houlahan, Mark, 'Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice, and: Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories (review)', Shakespeare Quarterly, 63 (2012), 438–40 <> [accessed 27 July 2016]

Electronic Journal Article - full text with a DOI

A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique string of letters and numbers which represents a digital resource. While the DOI is a permanent link to information about the item, full text access will often be via the library.

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (if necessary) (year of publication), page range, <DOI> (page number referenced).

First footnote

Kirstine Moffat, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), 59–77 <> (p. 75).

Subsequent footnote

Moffat, p. 60.


Moffat, Kirstine, 'The Poetry and Fiction of Scottish Settlers in New Zealand', Immigrants & Minorities, 30.1 (2012), 59–77 <>

Electronic Journal Article - no DOI, HTML therefore paragraph numbers

Required Information

Author's first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, series number (if available), volume number.issue number (year of publication), page range (if paginated), <URL> [date accessed] (page number referenced).

Note: If not paginated, use paragraph number. e.g. (para. 4).

First footnote

Steve Sohmer, 'The Lunar Calendar of Shakespeare's King Lear', Early Modern Literary Studies, 5.2 (1999), <> [accessed 30 November 2005] (para. 3).

Subsequent footnote

Sohmer, para. 5.

Note: Where section numbers or numbered paragraphs appear in the original document, they can be used to give the location of a citation. Do not attempt to infer page or line numbers from on-screen documents since they may vary according to the browser used.


Sohmer, Steve, 'The Lunar Calendar of Shakespeare's King Lear', Early Modern Literary Studies, 5.2 (1999), <> [accessed 30 November 2005]

Newspaper Articles

Newspaper Article - print

Required Information

Author first name and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of Publication, Date of issue, Section of publication (where relevant), page number/s.

Note: 'The' and 'A' is normally omitted from publication titles when citing English language newspapers, with exceptions such as The Times.

Note: If article has no author, use article title in place of author name.

First footnote

Amber-Leigh Woolf, ‘Web Trigger Warnings ‘Do Little’: Study’, The Press, 02 April 2019, p. 6.

Subsequent footnote



Amber-Leigh Woolf, ‘Web Trigger Warnings ‘Do Little’: Study’, The Press, 02 April 2019

Note: If the item has no title, use square brackets to indicate you have assigned one:

Kirstine Moffat, [Excerpts from Piano Forte, Kirstine Moffat, University of Otago Press], Waikato Times, 19 May 2012

Newspaper Article online - from a database or a website

Required Information

Author first and last name, 'Title of Article', Title of publication, Date of issue <URL to article> [accessed date].

Note: insert in name of database (e.g. in Papers Past) after date of issue if applicable

First footnote

Mark Houlahan and others, 'Dear Hamilton…', Waikato Times, 30 August 2014, <> [accessed 26 July 2016].

Subsequent footnote



Houlahan, Mark, and others. 'Dear Hamilton…', Waikato Times, 30 August 2014, <> [accessed 26 July 2016]

Plays & Live Performances

Play - Print

Required Information

Author's First Name and Last Name, Title of Play, ed. by Editors First Name and Last Name (if appropriate), Edition name/number (if appropriate) (Place of Publication, Publisher, Date), Act. scene. line.

Note: Use the Act, Scene and Line number as it appears in your edition

First footnote

William Shakespeare, The Tempest, ed. by Stephen Orgel (Oxford: Oxford World's Classics, 1998), 1. 2. 25-27.

Note: If you refer to the editor's words or ideas, use editor name in place of author.

Subsequent footnote

Shakespeare, 1. 2. 39-40.


Shakespeare, William, The Tempest, ed. by Stephen Orgel (Oxford: Oxford World's Classics, 1998)

Live Play Performance

Required Information

Author's First Name and Last Name, Title of Play, directed by First Name and Last Name (City: Theatre name, Date).

First footnote

William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, dir. by Miles Gregory (Auckland: Pop-Up Globe 22 February, 2016).

Subsequent footnote


Note: Refer to well known [classic] works by title, or, where multiple performances of same play are being discussed, by director.


Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet, dir. by Miles Gregory (Auckland: Pop-Up Globe, 22 February, 2016)

Live Music Concert

Required Information

Composer's First Name and Last Name, Title of Work [media type] (Location, date seen).

First footnote

Rush, Greatest Hits Tour [music concert] (Bishopthorpe Social Club, York, UK, 29 March 2015).

Subsequent footnote



Rush, Greatest Hits Tour [music concert] (Bishopthorpe Social Club, York, UK, 29 March 2015)


Thesis - print

Required Information

Authors First and Last Name, 'Title of Thesis' (thesis type, Name of Institution, Date), page number/s.

First footnote

Maebh Long, 'Derrida and a Theory of Irony: Parabasis and Parataxis' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Durham, 2010), p. 69.

Subsequent footnote

Long, p. 52.


Long, Maebh, 'Derrida and a Theory of Irony: Parabasis and Parataxis' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Durham, 2010)

Thesis - database

Required Information

Author's First and Last Name, 'Title of Thesis' (thesis type, Name of Institution, Date), in name of database < URL > [accessed date] page number/s.

First footnote

Karen Buckley, 'Sport in the Waikato c.1897-1974: Narratives of Play, Identity and Belonging' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Waikato, 2016), in University of Waikato Research Commons <> [accessed 22 January 2017] p. 56.

Subsequent footnote

Buckley, p. 56.


Buckley, Karen, 'Sport in the Waikato c.1897-1974: Narratives of Play, Identity and Belonging' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Waikato, 2016), in University of Waikato Research Commons <> [accessed 22 January 2017]

Translated Works

Translated work

Required Information

Author, Title, name of translator, if stated, (City, Publisher, date), page number/s.

First footnote

Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge: The History of Sexuality Vol. 1, trans. by Robert Hurley (London: Penguin, 1998), pp. 73-75.

Subsequent footnote

Foucault, p. 73.


Foucault, Michel, The Will to Knowledge: The History of Sexuality Vol. 1, trans. by Robert Hurley (London: Penguin, 1998)



Required Information

Author first name and last name, 'Webpage title' (if available), Website title (Place: Publisher, year or copyright date) (if available) <URL> [Date accessed].

First footnote

Glenn Everett and George P. Landow, 'Science and Technology Timeline', Victorian Web (2012) <> [accessed 13 December 2016].

Subsequent footnote


Note: Use second author name as well, if you refer to another Everett elsewhere Note: Use paragraph numbers if applicable


Everett, Glenn and George Landow, 'Science and Technology Timeline', Victorian Web (2012) <> [accessed 13 December 2016]